Winter 2022 P-CMGP Newsletter

Happy New Year!

In this issue of our P-CMGP Newsletter, we showcase feedback and praise for the Parent-Child Mother Goose Program from parents, grandparents and caregivers across Canada, and around the world. You’ll find new songs, rhymes, and a story that teaches the art of
compassion and acceptance.

Our newsletters are a great resource for new material. You’ll find National Council news and updates, projects we’re working on, and how you can help us.

You can find a copy of our 2022 Winter Newsletter, along with past editions, under the resources tab on our website.  

We love hearing from you! Connect with Ivanka at to share your stories, rhymes, pictures and news. Tell us about your program – sharing your stories brings joy, strengthens the network, and creates energy across Canada and across the world.