The following commitments are required in order to begin the Apprenticeship Training process:

Commitment to:

  • maintaining status as an Associate Program in good standing (fees paid, Affiliate Agreement signed, and reports submitted)
  • allocating adequate resources (time and funding) for effective apprenticeship training.

This means:

  • both the Training and the Apprentice Teachers need enough time to talk together before and after each session, both for routine record keeping and planning, and for training discussion (around resources, skills, methods, needs, approaches, problem-solving, etc). This will require a minimum of six hours per week for both the Training Teacher and the Apprentice Teacher.

Please refer to the Program Policy Handbook© section on agency responsibilities (section 3, pages 6-9). 

(N.B. It is Parent-Child Mother Goose Program® policy that Apprentice Teachers are paid during their training period.)

Training Teacher:
Commitment to:

  • ongoing learning in principles and methods of the Parent-Child Mother Goose Program®
  • ongoing outreach and learning about community resources, child development, parenting issues, and other areas relevant to the needs of the group participants
  • consistent availability for the Apprentice Teacher: at least the minimum 30 sessions of program time, and time between sessions each week to discuss concerns and questions as they arise
  • referring and conforming to the Parent-Child Mother Goose Program® Program Policy Handbook©, and following this Apprenticeship Training Manual©.

Apprentice Teacher:
Commitment to:

  • learning the philosophy, teaching techniques, and material of the Parent-Child Mother Goose Program®
  • learning about child development, parenting, group dynamics, and community resources
  • taking time with the Training Teacher to go over each session, as well as periodically evaluating her own progress
  • taking the time necessary outside of program time to learn new material and to continually add to her repertoire of rhymes, songs, and stories
  • sharing tasks with the Training Teacher, with the goal of becoming an equal 

P-CMGP Office:
Commitment to:

  • developing and producing resources
  • developing and providing workshops
  • functioning as a problem solving and information resource for program teachers and host agencies
  • providing evaluation and certification
  • supporting the Training Teacher.

Provincial and/or Regional Offices:
Commitment to:

  • supporting the Training Teacher
  • functioning as a problem solving and information resource for program teachers and host agencies



Become a trained program teacher, and support families in your community.


Find a program in your area and start singing and rhyming with your child.


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