pcmg17editedYou’ve completed the Teacher Training Workshop and have your Certificate of Participation in the Introductory P-CMGP.

What happens next?

Here’s how to register yourself, your program and your agency, and gain valuable access to support and resources.

Completing Your Teacher Certification

Registering Your Program

  • Fill in a Program Registration Form to let us know you are running a Parent-Child Mother Goose Program. We’ll send you a Welcome poster!  OR 
  • If you are not yet sure if you will be running a program, fill in a Possible Program Registration Form, which qualifies you for membership status for 6 months, after which you will be contacted with the option to renew.  Please contact the National Office to receive this form.

Become a Member

  • If your agency is not already a member of the Parent-Child Mother Goose program, please complete and send in your Membership Form. Be sure to include a cheque or credit card number with this form.
  • If you are not affiliated with an agency, you can become an individual member.
  • When you have submitted both a membership and a registration form, your program will be listed on our online program finder.

Get Additional Resources

  • If you weren’t able to purchase resources at the workshop, fill in a Resources Order Form to purchase books or CDs that the Parent-Child Mother Goose Program has produced to assist with running programs.


All the forms listed above can be filled out at the workshop and given to the facilitator, or you can mail or fax them to the national office at any time:

Parent-Child Mother Goose Program
720 Bathurst Street, Suite 500A
Toronto, ON M5S 2R4

Fax: 416 588 1355