New Videos, Awards, and more…

Songs and rhymes made a delightful addition to the news in one BC town earlier this month. Parents and kids participating in the Parent-Child Mother Goose program in Kamloops, BC were featured in an April 9th ShawTV news item that promoted the benefits of the program to the community.

Check out the YouTube video of the news story (below), which includes footage of happy, singing children and parents as well as interviews and commentary from the two facilitators, Maureen Doll and Marlene Sheppard, who offer the program through the Kamloops Early Language and Literacy Initiative (KELLI).

In other recent news from BC, a program in the community of New Westminster was honoured this March by the United Way of the Lower Mainland with a Spirit of Community Award for the impact it has made in the area of Early Childhood Development. The Mother Goose on the Move Program is delivered through New Westminster Family Place and as Executive Director Marjorie Staal notes, it has been helping parents, grandparents, caregivers and kids in the community for more than seven years.

Check out the other videos that we’ve been adding to our Video page, and links to academic papers and studies recently added to the Research page. Got suggestions for other materials we need to add to this site? Send us an email or leave a comment — we’d love to hear your input.