Here at the National Council of Parent-Child Mother Goose, we’re so excited that the biggest giving day of the whole year is almost here — Giving Tuesday, this November 29, 2022. We hope you are too!
To help get us all in the mood for Giving Tuesday, and in the true singing and rhyming spirit of Mother Goose, we couldn’t resist writing a little song. We think it’s kind of catchy, and we’ll bet that you just might find yourself humming it too (and, we hope, thinking about all the great reasons to support PCMG on this Giving Tuesday).
So without further ado, here is it is, to the tune of “Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round”:
Parent Child Mother Goose builds family relationships, community connections, and early literacy,
Parent Child Mother Goose does this and more, in every ten week session!
The families in the program love singing and rhyming, listening to stories, and meeting new friends,
The families in the program are happier and healthier, all around the country!
The teachers in the program need a network of support, ideas and resources, and ongoing training,
The teachers in the program deserve all this and more, because they’re making a difference!
The National Council members need your donation, on Giving Tuesday, to support the program,
The National Council members want you to know, that every dollar helps!
Parent Child Mother Goose builds family relationships, community connections, and early literacy,
Parent Child Mother Goose does this and more, in every ten week session!
Ta – da!
We sure hope that our little song inspires you to give to P-CMG on November 29. We’re a program with a joyful spirit and a playful nature, and yet one with deep and far-reaching benefits to participants. And that’s something worth supporting!
Please reach out to donate to Parent-Child Mother Goose this Giving Tuesday.